Hisaab Lagao

Weight Unit Converter

Converted Values:

Kilogram (kg): 1.000000

Gram (g): 1000.000000

Milligram (mg): 1000000.000000

Metric Ton (t): 0.001000

Ounce (oz): 35.273960

Pound (lb): 2.204620

Stone (st): 0.157470

US Ton (short ton): 0.001102

UK Ton (long ton): 0.000984

Carat (ct): 5000.000000

Grain (gr): 15432.358350

Dram (dr): 564.383000

Slug: 0.068522

Tael: 37.799400

About the Weight Converter

How Weight Conversion Works

Weight conversion is the process of translating a value from one unit to another, often using conversion factors or formulas. This is done using fixed conversion factors derived from standard definitions, such as the International System of Units (SI). The SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), and all other units, like pounds, grams, and ounces, are defined relative to it. Accurate weight conversion is critical in various fields like science, engineering, and international trade.

Conversion Rules & Limitations

  • Ensure input values are positive numbers for valid conversions.
  • Precision varies between different unit conversions and may involve rounding.
  • Some traditional or outdated weight units may not be included, like the stone or tael.
  • Extreme weight values may require scientific notation for easier representation.
  • Units for mass and weight may vary based on local regulations and system preferences (e.g., metric vs imperial).

Commonly Used Weight Units & Conversion Methods

The weight converter supports both metric and imperial systems, as well as some uncommon and historical units. Here are some of the most used units along with their conversion methods:

Metric System (SI-based)

  • kg to g: Multiply by 1,000 (1 kg = 1,000 g)
  • g to mg: Multiply by 1,000 (1 g = 1,000 mg)
  • kg to Metric Ton: Divide by 1,000 (1,000 kg = 1 t)
  • kg to µg: Multiply by 1,000,000 (1 kg = 1,000,000 µg)

Imperial & US Customary

  • lb to oz: Multiply by 16 (1 lb = 16 oz)
  • lb to st: Divide by 14 (1 st = 14 lb)
  • US ton to lb: Multiply by 2,000 (1 US ton = 2,000 lb)
  • UK ton to lb: Multiply by 2,240 (1 UK ton = 2,240 lb)

Rare & Historical Units

  • ct to g: Divide by 5 (1 ct = 0.2 g)
  • gr to g: Divide by 15.43 (1 gr = 0.0648 g)
  • Slug to lb: Multiply by 32.174 (1 slug = 32.174 lb)

Scientific & Engineering Units

  • Newton (N) to kg: Divide by acceleration due to gravity (1 N ≈ 0.10197 kg)
  • Kiloton to Metric Ton: Multiply by 1,000 (1 kiloton = 1,000 t)
  • Atomic Mass Unit (amu) to kg: Multiply by 1.66053906660 × 10^-27 (1 amu ≈ 1.6605 × 10^-27 kg)

Where & Why Are These Units Used?

Different regions, industries, and scientific fields use various weight units depending on tradition, convenience, accuracy, and legal or regulatory requirements:

  • Metric System: Used globally in science, medicine, industry, and most countries worldwide.
  • Pounds & Ounces: Common in the US & UK for body weight, food measurements, and shipping.
  • Stone: Popular in the UK for measuring human body weight, particularly in casual settings.
  • Carats: Commonly used in the jewelry and gemstone industries for measuring precious metals and stones.
  • Short & Long Tons: US & UK differ in definitions of a ton, affecting industries such as construction, mining, and shipping.
  • Scientific Usage: Units like the Atomic Mass Unit (amu) and Newton (N) are used for precise measurements in physics and engineering.