Hisaab Lagao

Area Unit Converter

Converted Values:

Square Meter (m²): 1.000000

Square Kilometer (km²): 0.000001

Square Centimeter (cm²): 10000.000000

Square Millimeter (mm²): 1000000.000000

Hectare (ha): 0.000100

Acre: 0.000247

Square Mile (mi²): 0.000000

Square Yard (yd²): 1.195990

Square Foot (ft²): 10.763900

Square Inch (in²): 1550.003100

Area Unit Converter Information

The Area Unit Converter helps you easily convert between various area units such as square meters, acres, hectares, square feet, and more.

Common Area Conversion Formulas:

  • 1 m² = 10.764 ft² = 1550 in²
  • 1 km² = 1,000,000 m² = 247.1 acres
  • 1 cm² = 0.0001 m²
  • 1 mm² = 1e-6 m²
  • 1 hectare (ha) = 10,000 m²
  • 1 acre = 4046.86 m²
  • 1 square mile (mi²) = 2.59 km²
  • 1 square yard (yd²) = 0.836127 m²
  • 1 square foot (ft²) = 0.092903 m²
  • 1 square inch (in²) = 0.00064516 m²

How It Works:

Enter a value and select a unit to convert from. The converter will automatically calculate and display equivalent values in multiple units.