Hisaab Lagao

Roman Numeral Converter

Conversion Result:

About the Number to Roman Numerals Converter

What are Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals are a numeral system originating in ancient Rome, used throughout the Roman Empire in various aspects of daily life. They employ combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) to represent values.

How It Works

This tool allows you to easily convert between numbers and Roman numerals. Simply select the conversion mode:

  • Number to Roman: Enter a number (between 1 and 3,999) and the tool will provide the corresponding Roman numeral.
  • Roman to Number: Enter a Roman numeral, and the tool will convert it back into the equivalent number.

Roman Numerals Conversion Rules

Roman numerals follow specific rules for constructing values. Here are the basic ones:

  • Roman numerals are typically written from largest to smallest, left to right.
  • If a smaller numeral appears before a larger one, it is subtracted (e.g., IV = 4, IX = 9).
  • If a smaller numeral appears after a larger one, it is added (e.g., VI = 6, XI = 11).
  • The same numeral cannot be repeated more than three times in a row (e.g., III is valid, but IIII is not).
  • Only certain subtractive combinations are valid: IV, IX, XL, XC, CD, and CM. For example, IL or IC are invalid.

Example Conversions

Here are some examples to help you understand the conversion:

  • Number 3 = Roman Numeral III
  • Number 9 = Roman Numeral IX
  • Number 58 = Roman Numeral LVIII
  • Number 3999 = Roman Numeral MMMCMXCIX


While Roman numerals are a powerful system, they come with some limitations:

  • They lack a representation for zero.
  • They cannot handle negative numbers or decimal values.
  • This converter only supports numbers between 1 and 3,999 as the standard Roman numeral system does not represent values beyond this range without extensions.

Why Use Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals are still used today in various contexts, including clock faces, book chapters, movie sequels, and formal events such as the Olympics or Super Bowl. Understanding how to work with Roman numerals can be both fun and useful for various applications.

Roman Numeral Values

Here is a quick reference for Roman numeral values:

  • I = 1
  • V = 5
  • X = 10
  • L = 50
  • C = 100
  • D = 500
  • M = 1,000